Anna Vioral, PhD, MEd, RN, OCN®, BMTCN®
Pittsburgh, PA
My ONCC Board journey included a diversity of interests as a new RN in mentoring, evidence based practice, assessment, evaluation, precepting, assuming leadership roles as charge nurse, shared governance councils, patient education, staff education, clinical ladders, and pursuing higher education degrees. The professional journey continued to diversify my skills and interests through involvement in my local ONS chapter, leadership roles as director at large, and leading certification initiatives. After applying numerous times at ONS and ONCC to become involved, I was able to make a difference through ONCC test development committee item writing for the OCN® and development of the BMTCN®. Mentors encouraged me to run for a Board position. While not successful on my first attempt, I was elected and am serving as President for 2023-2024. I encourage others to continue engaging whenever possible and don’t shy from setting your sites on an ONCC Board role!