Benefits of Certification
New! Read ONCC's Value of Certification Study Report
Read what nurses believe about the value of certification, including the most common benefits of certification and the types of employer support for certification that nurses receive. Read the report.
Patients Value Certification
Certification can help patients feel confident about their nurses' qualifications. Knowledgeable nurses are better equipped to recognize problems and take action. Also, public awareness of certification has grown. Nearly 8 out of 10 people surveyed were aware that nurses could be certified in a specialty area.
Nurses Grow Through Certification
Certification offers personal and professional rewards to nurses. An overwhelming majority of nurses surveyed said that certification validates their specialty knowledge, enhances their professional credibility, and contributes to feelings of personal accomplishment. Certification is often required for advancement to higher levels on the clinical ladder. In some instances, certified nurses receive salary increases or bonuses. A 2020 Medscape salary survey indicated that certified nurses who are rewarded financially have an average annual income that is about $10,000 higher than non-certified nurses.
Employers Benefit from Certification
Certification in oncology nursing can help employers:
- provide patients with experienced nurses
- provide care for an aging population at greater risk of developing cancer
- retain qualified nurses by contributing to job satisfaction by supporting certification
- distinguish themselves in the healthcare market
- gain distinction by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Magnet Recognition Program™, the Association for Community Cancer Centers Standards for Cancer Programs, and others.
Harris Interactive, Inc. American Association of Critical Care Nurses Survey. November 2002.
Value of Specialty Nursing Certification Survey-Executive Summary. May 2006.
American Board of Nursing Specialties.
Medscape RN/LPN Compensation Report, 2020. Medscape. 2020.
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