What to expect at the Test Center

When you arrive at the test center and check in
- Plan to arrive 30 minutes before your test appointment to allow time for check-in procedures. If you arrive after your appointment time you will not be permitted to test and will forfeit your appointment and test fee.
- You will be scanned with a metal detector wand and required to provide a fingertip scan prior to every entry into the test room.
- You will be required to raise your pants legs above your ankles, empty and turn all pockets inside-out and raise shirt sleeves above your wrists prior to every entry into the test room.
- You will be required to remove eyeglasses for inspection.
- Jewelry outside of wedding and engagement rings is prohibited.
ID requirements for testing
- You will be required to show two forms of identification, including one form of photo ID. Both forms of ID must contain your signature, and be current, valid, or non-expired. See the table below for acceptable ID.
- The first and last name on both forms of ID must exactly match the first and last name on the ATT. Note: If you use a middle name, a middle name or a middle initial is acceptable. For other name discrepancies, including name changes, contact ONCC before your test date.
- You will not be admitted to the test without proper ID. Candidates who are not permitted to test due to invalid ID will forfeit the test fee and must reapply and pay the full test fee to test at a later date.
Two forms of ID are required for test admission: one primary form and one secondary form, or two primary forms. Both forms of ID must be current, valid, and not expired. The first and last name on the ID must exactly match the name on the ATT. Candidates will NOT be admitted without proper ID. Exceptions to ID requirements will not be made under any circumstances.
Primary ID
Must include photo and signature
- Passport or Passport Card
- Government-issued Driver's License
- US Department of State Driver's License
- US Learner's Permit (plastic card only with photo and signature)
- National/State/Country Identification Card
- Military ID (including spouse/dependent)
- Alien Registration Card (Green Card, Permanent Resident Visa)
- Government-issued local language ID (plastic card with photo and signature)
Secondary ID
Must include signature
- US Social Security Card
- Debit/ATM Card
- Employee ID
- School ID
- Credit Card (Any signature bearing credit card that is not expired)
- Any form of ID on the primary ID list
- RN License

Test Center Processes
- There are no scheduled breaks during ONCC examinations. If you take an unscheduled break, the test clock will not stop. You must inform the TCA before accessing a stored item during a break, including medicine. You may not access any notes or electronic devices during a break, including cell phones. Repeated or lengthy departures from the test room will be reported to ONCC.
- Upon return from any break you must go through all security checks, present valid ID, sign-in and provide a fingerprint to be re-admitted to the test room.
- You must return to your assigned, original seat after any break.
Prohibited Items and Examinee Conduct
- Weapons are not allowed in any PSI Test Center.
- Unauthorized personal items may not be brought into the test room. Such items include, but are not limited to outerwear, hats, food, drinks, purses, briefcases, notebooks, pagers, watches, cell phones, recording devices and photographic equipment.
- Written notes, published materials, and other testing aids are prohibited.
- Only soft ear plugs (no wires/cords attached) and center-supplied tissues are permitted in the test room. Noise blocking headphones are available at the test center.
- Clothing or jewelry items allowed to be worn in the test room must continue to be worn at all times. Removed clothing or jewelry items must be stored in the locker provided during check-in.
- All materials issued by the Test Center Administrator (TCA) must be returned at the conclusion of testing. Used scratch paper/erasable boards must be returned before new scratch paper/erasable boards will be issued by the TCA during your exam.
- Talking to other candidates in the test room, referring to their screens, testing materials or written notes is prohibited.
- Eating, drinking, chewing gum, smoking, and/or making noise that creates a disturbance for other candidates is prohibited during the exam.
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877.769.ONCC (US and Canada only)
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