Promote Certification

Nurses at table

Boost morale, enhance job satisfaction, and encourage other nurses to become certified and improve the quality of care at your facility by recognizing certified nurses. Here are a few ideas for recognizing certified nurses. Share your celebration ideas on our Facebook page.

Celebrate Certified Nurses Day, March 19

Endorsed by the American Nurses Association and many other nursing certification organizations, this is a special day of recognition and celebration for certified nurses around the world. March 19 was picked as the day to honor certified nurses since it's the birthday of Margretta "Gretta" Madden Styles, the renowned expert of nurse credentialing.

  • Notify the local media that it's Certified Nurses Day and include the names of all certified nurses on your staff.
  • Invite certified nurses to an event held in their honor.
  • Reward certified nurses with gift certificates or special bonuses.
  • Post signs throughout your facility announcing Certified Nurses Day and featuring photos of your certified nurses.
  • Send letters of appreciation to your certified nurses.
  • Offer a free meal to all nurses who attend a certification drive.

Offer personal encouragement & recognition

  • Mention the advantages of certification during annual reviews.
  • Present certified nurses with a credential pin.
  • Send a letter of congratulations from the CEO or other administrator.
  • Add certified nurses’ credentials to name badges and business cards.

Provide financial assistance for nurses to pursue certification.

  • Offer reimbursement for test fees and expenses.
  • Provide paid time off to take the test or prepare for certification.
  • Pay for a review course.
  • Provide a library of study materials.

Reward certified nurses

  • Give certified nurses a monetary bonus for attaining or renewing their oncology credential.
  • Provide pay differentials for certified nurses.
  • Offer shift/schedule preferences to certified nurses.

Recognize certified nurses publicly

  • Display certified nurses' certificates on the unit.
  • Publish the names and photos of certified nurses in your facility newsletter.
  • Send press releases to local newspapers.
  • Host a special event for certified nurses during Nurse's Week.
  • Display the names of certified nurses on a plaque in the unit. (ONCC offers a free recognition plaque to patient care settings where a majority of nurses are ONCC-certified).
  • Nominate a certified nurse for an ONCC certified nurse of the year award

Most certified nurses say they were encouraged to apply for certification by a colleague. Here are some ways you can promote certification among your colleagues:

  • Post flyers on unit bulletin boards
  • Submit announcements for newsletters
  • Distribute brochures to nurses who are not certified.
  • Present a program about the benefits of certification at a chapter meeting or at your institution.
  • Email a study tip of the week to motivate nurses who are preparing for certification.
  • Organize a review course.
  • Download fun resources to hand out to nurses interested in certification.
  • Place an announcement in your chapter or institution newsletter that reads, "Ask Me About Certification!" and include your name, phone number, and email address.

Join the Oncology Nursing Certification Advocate program. As an advocate, you will receive the most up-to-date information about certification. Advocates will also be given ribbons to wear at select oncology conferences.

Join the Advocates Program

To help you promote certification, we offer free brochures and posters.

For more information, contact ONCC at 877.769.6622 or email us.