Male nurse standing
NCCA Accredited Certification Program
Get Certified

Blood & Marrow Transplant Certified Nurse (BMTCN®)

Are you ready to enhance your professional credibility and enjoy the feeling of personal accomplishment that comes from being certified?  If you meet the criteria listed below, take the BMTCN® test and get recognized for your specialized BMT knowledge.

Testing in U.S./Canada Only

ONS/APHON Member$300

Determining if you are eligible

  • Active License    
    A current, active, unencumbered license as a registered nurse in the US, its territories or Canada at the time of application and examination.
  • 2,000 Hours of Practice    
    A minimum of 2,000 hours of BMT nursing practice within the four years (48 months) prior to application.  Nursing practice may be in clinical practice, nursing administration, education,  research or consultation.
  • 2 years Experience   
    A minimum of two years (24 months) of experience as an RN within the four years (48 months) prior to application.
  • Minimum 10 Contact Hours   
    Completed a minimum of 10 contact hours of nursing continuing education in blood and marrow stem cell transplant nursing or an academic elective in oncology nursing within the three years (36 months) prior to application. The contact hours must have been provided or formally approved by an acceptable accredited provider or approver of continuing nursing education (CNE) or nursing continuing professional development (NCPD). A maximum of five of the 10 required contact hours in oncology may be continuing medical education (CME) in oncology.

About the Exam

90-Day Testing Window
3 Hours to Test
165 Multiple Choice Questions
Same Day Test Results

BMTCN® is the only nationally accredited test that validates an individual's specialized knowledge in blood and marrow transplantation nursing. This certification is available exclusively to registered nurses.

The certification test a three-hour, 165 multiple-choice question test is based on the BMTCN® Test Content Outline (Test Blueprint). The Test Content Outline is based on the results of a role delineation study of blood and marrow transplantation nursing practice conducted in 2020.

The BMTCN® Test Content Outline includes six major subject areas, each with a percentage assigned to it. Many nurses who have passed the test tell us the Test Content Outline was essential in helping them know what areas to study. Remember, only generic drug names are used on ONCC tests. Once you pass the test your certification is valid for four years.

Note: If you’re eligible to test, you’ll receive an Authorization to Test (ATT) within 2 weeks of applying. This ATT will open an almost-immediate 90-day testing window. You must take the test within that 90-day window.

nusrse talking
Nurse assisting patient with a device

Related Resources

Check out these resources to help you prepare for the BMTCN® exam.

Double Take Option

Don’t let test anxiety hold you back from taking a certification test. ONCC DoubleTake provides a retake option if you don’t pass the test on the first attempt – without paying the full test fee again.