ILNA Points for Conference CE

ILNA Points for Conferences

Continuing education from the following conferences and events may be used for points for renewal. Click on an event to see how it breaks down for points. Please check back occasionally for the most current information.

ONS Congress/Pre-Congress  2023 | 202220212019 

ONS Bridge 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020

APHON Annual Conference 2023 | 2021 

AONN Annual Conference 2020 

AONN+ MidYear  2023 | 20222021

NCCN Annual Conference 2023 | 2022 | 20212019 

JADPRO 2023  | 2022202120202019 

BMT/TCT Tandem 2022 | 2021 | 2019

Oncology Nurse Advisor Summit 2023 | 202220202019 

*Please note: This list of CE offerings is not all-inclusive. ONCC accepts many other accredited CE programs for ILNA Points. If you would like to know the applicability of a program not listed, please contact ONCC at 877.769.6622 or