Emeritus Status
Emeritus status is available to oncology certified nurses who are retired from active oncology nursing, not actively practicing nursing, and have no plans to renew ONCC certification or need to be certified in the specialty.
Nurses who hold Emeritus status:
- may not use the Emeritus credential in direct patient care in any clinical setting or in any clinically related interactions.
- will notify ONCC immediately and discontinue the use of the Emeritus credential in all forms and settings if they return to direct patient care in an oncology setting.
- understand that misuse of the Emeritus credential will result in permanent revocation of any and all ONCC active and Emeritus credentials.
- must use the word “Emeritus” with the credential (e.g., OCN-Emeritus).
To apply for Emeritus status, a nurse must:
- be currently certified by ONCC.
- be retired from active nursing practice
- submit the Emeritus Status application with payment of a one-time $75 fee for each credential being transitioned to Emeritus status.
- emeritus status will become effective January 1 of the year following the expiration of current certification.
Names of nurses who hold Emeritus status will be available in the ONCC online credential verification service.