BMTCN® of the Year
BMTCN® of the Year
This award recognizes a BMTCN® who has made significant contributions to BMT nursing and BMT nursing service; and who has supported and promoted BMT nursing certification. The BMTCN® of the Year will receive $1,000 and be presented with a crystal award at the Recognition Breakfast for Oncology Certified Nurses at the ONS Annual Congress.
Application Deadline: November 15
Award Criteria
Nominees must demonstrate accomplishments in the promotion of BMT nursing certification; and BMT nursing service; as well as in one of the following areas of BMT nursing; clinical practice, education, or research.
Promotion of Oncology Nursing Certification
Actively promotes oncology nursing certification among nursing colleagues, other healthcare professionals, and healthcare consumers
Enhances the image of BMT nursing among the general public
Participates in community affairs, legislative activities, or in organizations that affect nursing
Enhances the image of BMT nursing among healthcare professionals
Participates in community education
Oncology Nursing Practice
Candidates must demonstrate accomplishments in ONE of the following areas (nominee, nominator, and recommendations must all address the same area):
Clinical Practice
Develops or uses creative approaches to BMT nursing which enhance quality patient care
Serves as an example to inspire nurse peers
Demonstrates a commitment to the care of persons with cancer and their families
Participates in the education and development of nurses
Participates in patient/family teaching
Participates in educating other disciplines about BMT nursing
Participates in the research process
Applies research findings to nursing practice
Conducts research that positively affects BMT patient care
Eligibility Criteria
- Nominees must be BMTCN®-certified at the time of nomination and award presentation.
- Nominees must have current, active, unencumbered RN licensure (or equivalent foreign credentials).
- Members of the ONCC Recognition Subcommittee and the ONCC Board of Directors are not eligible to be nominees, to nominate others, or to provide recommendations for nominees.
In addition:
- Each nomination must include completed Nomination Information, Biographical information, and two Recommendations/Letters of Reference.
- The two Recommendations/Letters of Reference must be from individuals other than the nominator or nominee. Only two Recommendations may be submitted; additional recommendations will not be considered.
- All materials must be submitted to It will be the responsibility of the Nominator or Nominee (if a self-nomination) to provide the requested information, and to submit the supporting References/Letters of Recommendation with the online application.
- Completed nominations must be submitted by the deadline.
- Incomplete or late nominations will not be considered.
- Additional materials or supporting documentation will not be considered.
- All decisions of the ONCC Recognition Subcommittee and ONCC Board of Directors are final.
- Award recipients must agree to be recognized on ONCC social media channels and/or other publications approved by ONCC.