Employer Recognition Award
Employer Recognition Award
These awards recognize organizations that provide sustained support and recognition of oncology certified nurses. Two awards are available: one for organizations that employ less than 25 registered nurses; and one for organizations that employ 25 or more registered nurses.
One or more of the following must be described. Up to 10 pages of supporting documentation may be uploaded with the online award nomination.
Sustained support of certification in oncology nursing, as evidenced by the following examples:
- Certification is mentioned in advertisements and/or job descriptions when recruiting for oncology nurse positions (e.g., OCN®, CPON®, BMTCN®, CPHON®, AOCN®, AOCNP®, AOCNS® or CBCN® is preferred, desirable, or required.)
- Financial support is provided for the certification examination, renewal, and examination preparation.
- Company-wide recognition of achievement of certification.
- Salary recognition upon attainment and renewal of the certification.
- Paid time off for participation on ONCC Board, committees, or other professional volunteer opportunities.
Additional Information
- Certified nurses may nominate an employer for the award. Nominations may be made by an individual certified nurse or by a group of certified nurses employed by the same company.
- Current ONCC Board members and members of the ONCC Recognition Subcommittee are prohibited from nominating an employer during their term or for two years after. The employers of current ONCC Board members and Recognition Subcommittee members are not eligible to be nominated for the Employer Recognition Award during the Board or Subcommittee member's term.
- An employer cannot be selected more than one time in a ten year period.
- Selection will be made by the ONCC Recognition Subcommittee. All decisions of the ONCC Recognition Subcommittee and ONCC Board of Directors are final.
- The nomination and supporting documentation must be submitted to ONCCNominations@oncc.org. It will be the responsibility of the Nominator to provide the requested information, and to submit the supporting documentation with the online application.
- Completed nominations must be submitted by the deadline.
- Incomplete or late nominations will not be considered.
- Award recipients must agree to be recognized in ONCC Certification News, and/or other publications approved by ONCC.
- An award plaque will be presented to each of the award recipients at the annual ONCC Recognition Breakfast for Oncology Certified Nurses. ONCC will not be responsible for any expense incurred by the recipient associated with receiving the award.
- A press release announcing the award recipient will be sent to appropriate parties.